Industrial Coating Excellence
Call Us: 1 (562) 940-8305


Safety-Priority One

Advanced Industrial Services, Inc. is dedicated to protecting the safety of its employees, by ensuring trained qualified employees.
Certifications include but are not limited to the following:

  • OSHA500
  • OSHA30
  • Lift/Reach Certification
  • Confined Space Certifiaction
  • Competent Person Training (Scafolding)

Additionally we are invilved in the following safety oriented programs:

  • Internal Safety Audits
  • Daily Safety Meetings

Foreman compensation is linked to compliance with AIS’s safety program.

We have established a safety program to prevent injuries. Employee involvement at all levels of the company is critical for us to be successful in this effort. To accomplish this task, a joint worker/management safety commitee has been established to bring workers and management together in a nonadversarial, cooperative effort to promote safety and health in the workplace.